Fabulous flora in drag ‘Little Shop’

By John Lyle Belden

To borrow from an unrelated comedy gang who put male bodies in dresses: Now for something completely different.

Indy Drag Theatre was in full bloom at the District Theatre with its production of “Little Shop of (W)Horrors:  A Drag Parody Musical.” The fairly new local company took on a mostly straight (ha-ha) presentation of the movie-turned-Broadway-turned-movie, but done by drag queens, kings, and other genderfluid royalty. In the true spirit of the Drag art form, emphasizing spectacle and visual parody and satire – in the most *fabulous* manner possible – our performers expertly lip-synch the lines and songs from Broadway and film audio, but what you see on the stage is even more entertaining than most renditions of the classic boy/girl/man-eating-plant story.

With no scenes drastically altered, this serves to inform or remind those unfamiliar with the source work. However, if you know what happens, it becomes awesome on another level. Shoddy-sheik staging and costumes match both the story and the tongue-in-cheek mood. Dance numbers both advance the story and “work it” a la a Ru-Paul revue. In the best melding of the already-goofy musical and this milieu, our star houseplant, Audrey II, transforms from the standard hand-puppet to the toxic fabulousness of Ciara Myst.*

Other principal cast members include Parker Taylor as Seymour Krelborn, the Skid Row orphan who discovers the plant; Pancha La Flor as Audrey, the sweet girl at the flower shop Seymour is sweet on and the sadistic Dentist (Beelzebabe) beats on; Eli Rose as florist Mr. Mushnik; and our hot chorus of backups Ava Morningstar (as Crystal), April Rosè (Chiffon), and Devin Hill (Ronette).

Also on stage are Axel Rosie, Drucilla Demora, Blue Lightning, and understudies Jared Matthew, Zariah, and Kalinda Morningstar.

Taylor, who has been brilliant in recent regular stage productions, puts their talent to excellent use – one who would be great a century ago mouthing and emoting a silent film. La Flor is not the beanpole actress you usually get for Audrey, kind of like if Broadway had tapped a young Jennifer Coolidge, but she makes it all work (in both senses of the word) wonderfully. As for Ms. Myst, the ability to strut the whole stage makes this fierce flytrap more dangerous than in any other medium.

Direction is by Krystie Roberts, with choreography by April Rosè, IDT’s co-founder (with creative director Blair St. Clair).

If you are a teen (with cool parents) or older and hip to any of this at all, it is a must that you support this marvelous meld of “holla”- worthy entertainment (and yes, whooping it up is encouraged, but slip your dollar bills into their Venmo). Remaining performances are Thursday through Sunday, Feb.  22-25, at the District Theatre, 627 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis. Get tickets (including VIP) and info at indydistrictthe.org or indydragtheatre.com.


[*In keeping with the culture and respecting personal boundaries, if the Drag name is all we are given for a performer (which is as unique and individual as what’s on their driver’s license anyway), that’s all we publish.]