Chaotic Khaos Christmas

By John Lyle Belden

The “Epic Christmas Battle of History,” written and presented by Khaos Company Theatre, is a show I wanted so badly to be better than it is.  I mean, I really like these guys and this little neighborhood theatre, and the company really gives it all a great effort.

It’s not “Epic,” but is Christmassy and there is a battle. When the Star of Bethlehem suddenly implodes, are the holidays (and planet Earth, for that matter) cancelled? No! It’s only an alien using the collapsed wormhole to visit our planet and a family about to enjoy the winter holidays. They teach him about Christmas traditions, and he repays the favor by – um – teaching them about Christmas traditions.

Then there’s some time travel, and an alternate Earth. Then we return to find not all aliens are friendly, leading – naturally – to a rap battle.

This is a one-act, just 90 minutes out of your busy day, so why not?

Friday is “Pay What You Want,” so give what you feel comfortable with to support local artists, lower your expectations, and have fun with it. (Note: The stagehand wielding the Silly String has iffy aim; watch out!)

Final regular-ticketed performance is Saturday, Dec. 17, then KCT turns their attention to more serious fare in the new year. This will be the last show at 3125 E. 10th St., Indianapolis, before moving to new digs on Sherman Drive in 2017. Get info and tickets at

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