Westfield takes on beloved comedy

By John Lyle Belden

As it’s been said, classics are classic for a reason. From time to time, community theatres bring out the hilarious antics of the eccentric extended Sycamore family in Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman’s comedy, “You Can’t Take It With You.” This week, the invitation is extended by Main Street Productions of Westfield.

Sweet twenty-year-old Alice Sycamore (Hannah Partridge) is in love with her boss, Anthony Kirby (Aaron Budde), a young executive thanks to his chief executive father (David Dessauer). Tony and Alice want to get married, but she’s afraid the Kirbys couldn’t deal with her family – father Paul Sycamore (James Semmelroth Darnell) makes fireworks in the basement with the help of Mr. DePinna (Eric Bowman), who came to deliver ice years ago and never left; mother Penny Sycamore (Carrie Reiberg) writes melodramatic unfinished plays on a typewriter that just showed up on their doorstep; sister Essie (Cara Olson) makes candy “Love Dreams” daily but really wants to dance (though she’s awful at it), while her husband Ed Carmichael (Noah Shepard) plays the xylophone and obsessively prints cards, menus, and papers with whatever sounds interesting to him; finally, grandfather Martin Vanderhof (John Welch) does whatever he likes because he walked away from his downtown office decades ago and never looked back.

Their maid Rheba (Sophie Liese) is a so-so cook but very understanding and fits right in this household, along with her Irish boyfriend Donald (Austin Uebelhor), who helps when he can, as long as it doesn’t jeopardize his “relief” payments. Russian expat Boris Kolenkhov (Louis Cavallari) tries in vain to teach Essie ballet; this being 1938, he still remembers his homeland before the Soviets and knows exiled nobility including The Grand Duchess Olga Katrina (Miki Mathioudakis). We also meet inebriated actress Gay Wellington (Susan Hill), who isn’t related or a resident, yet adds to the chaos in her own way.

There are also appearances by Tony’s father and mother (Renee Whiten Lopez), as well as Tom Smith as nosy government agents, along with Aaron Ploof and Emma Fox.

For those unfamiliar, yes, it’s a lot. But there is subtle method to this madness in a funny fable about love, acceptance, and truly living out the pursuit of happiness.

Under director Nicole Amsler, everyone gets their moments to shine. Darnell plays Paul as single-minded, trusting the others to do what’s needed, yet amiable when not downstairs. Bowman gives DePinna a sense of joy that reveals a man who would much rather play with fire than work with ice. Reiberg’s Penny is the kind of unassuming person whom whatever she is doing at the moment is right thing, and you can’t help but agree. Shepard and Olson as Ed and Essie seem to not be the sharpest knives in the block, yet come across as charmingly naïve, never stupid. Cavallari brings big energy to his role, making Kolenkhov feel like just one of the family.

Partridge nimbly plays Alice’s struggle to maintain normalcy while still loving her family. Budde, for his part, gives Tony a growing admiration for the freedom that the household represents.

As the patriarch, Welch lends a subtle gravitas to Grandpa. He has his quirks – like keeping snakes – but is as down-to-earth a character one could find. When he says grace in his unique way during the mealtime scenes, you can’t help but feel welcome at his table.

Be their guest this Thursday through Sunday, June 6-9, at the Basile Westfield Playhouse, 220 N. Union St. Get tickets at westfieldplayhouse.org.

Mud Creek filled with holiday ‘Spirit’

By Wendy Carson

Christmas is the time of the year we all gather with family and/or friends and celebrate the joy of the season. However, not all of us have loved ones with which to celebrate.

In Mud Creek Players’ “The Spirit of Christmas: A Holiday Cabaret,” such is the plight of Mabel (Anne Phelan), who is spending Christmas Eve cleaning the local theater where she volunteers. While struggling not to feel sorry for herself, a mysterious voice reminds her that while she may not have actual souls to be around, her rich supply of Christmas memories are what she should focus on.

The rest of the cast (Audrey Beaverson, Lauren Bogart, Nicole Bridgens, Stephen DiCarlo, Emily Keenan, Sophie Liese, Dani Lopez-Roque, Karen Naber, Noah Nordman, and Tara Weed) embody those memories and help guide Mabel through them to renew her Christmas Spirit. Even director Chris Bundy steps in a time or two.

Through a mix of traditional and newer songs, with a lesser-heard one or two, they remind Mabel, and us, of the delights of childhood and the meaning of Christmas. They even have a hilarious take on “The 12 Days of Christmas” that will have you seeing that song in a very different way.

Bundy and the Mud Creek crew have changed up the seating arrangements, giving the “Barn” a true cabaret set-up with audience members seated at tables throughout the venue. Tables are provided with a delicious snack mix and Holiday Punch for all as well as a trio of desserts and other drink choices served by the performers at intermission, all at no extra charge.

Remaining performances, Friday through Sunday, Dec. 8-10, are sold out, according to MudCreekPlayers.org. Go to the Contact page on the site, or email info@mudcreekplayers.org to ask about possible openings due to cancellations or additional seating.