‘Trailer Park Musical’ a hit at BCP

By John Lyle Belden

It’s been some years since Indianapolis theatre-goers got to look in on Armadillo Acres, Florida’s most wacky mobile home community, but “The Great American Trailer Park Musical” has returned, presented by Buck Creek Players.

In this fun bit of redneck revelry, manager Betty (Claire Slaven) keeps the lights on, Lin (Georgeanna Teipen) puts on even more lights in a strategy to keep her death-row husband alive, and Pickles (Claire Gray) is fairly sure this time she’s actually pregnant. Meanwhile agoraphobic Jeannie (Amelia Tryon) is gathering the courage to leave her trailer for the first time in decades so she can join husband Norbert (Jeremy Teipen) on an Anniversary date to see the Ice Capades.

Storms blow into Florida all the time; our present force of nature is Pippi (Emily Gaddy), an exotic dancer hoping she escaped from unbalanced boyfriend Duke (Josh Rooks) – who should arrive by Act Two.

Directed by Ben Jones, the silliness is tempered with a bit of heartache – and a moment of gunplay – but it all works out like a comedy musical should. Tryon and Gaddy, especially, give fabulous performances. Gray manages the sort of genius that plays “box of hair” dumb while still charming. And Rooks isn’t usually the intimidating sort, but adds just a hint of psycho to pull off our marker-fume-addled bad boy.

Hats off (but not too long, for sunburn) to set designer Matt Gray for the on-stage trailers (including Jeannie and Norbert’s cutaway) and stage manager Suzi Brown.

With book by Betsy Kelso and songs by David Nehls, “The Great American Trailer Park Musical” has one more weekend left at 11150 Southeastern Ave. (Acton Road exit off I-74). As of this posting, Friday is sold out, but there are two performances Saturday, June 17, and a matinee Sunday, June 18. Go to buckcreekplayers.com for details.

And while you’re there, consider giving to the fundraising drive for improvements to the playhouse entry. Your donation “buys” a little pink flamingo with your name that gets added to the campaign display.