Fringe review: The Adventures of Les Kurkendaal

By Wendy Carson

Many of you may remember Les Kurkendaal from his past IndyFringe performances. His storytelling abilities are well known on the Fringe circuit, and in this year’s presentation, which played at the IndyFringe Indy Eleven Theatre, he admirably upped his game.

It seems that his boyfriend, Mike, has made the list of “Top 100 People from Bakersfield” due to co-producing the film, “Thank You for Smoking,” but has also decided that Les should accompany him to his 20-year class reunion.

While Les is hesitant, not only due to their being gay, but also as he wonders how Mike’s classmates will react to his being black as well. Mike reassures him that he had a single black classmate, George, and that nobody will really notice.

Les’ jealousy at seeing Mike living out his own dreams of success is a struggle, but he does make the best of it. There are plenty of laughs here, many coming from the fact that everyone in attendance thinks he is the aforementioned George.

This show is definitely the best one that Kurkendaal has brought to IndyFringe. I was delightfully impressed by how his charm and skill have developed and greatly look forward to his next visit.

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